Livability in Year 8

In Year 8 Humanities this Term students have been learning about the Livability, focusing on examining the elements of livability such as economics, infrastructure, culture, and environment within the suburb they live in. They have completed this project over the course of Term 2 and have effectively applied their understanding of geographical skills and knowledge of livability to present and analyse data. 


In particular, 8B has, as part of this project, learnt about how water and soil quality influences the livability of a place. They applied their understanding through participating in actively testing the soil pH level in the school, in front of the classroom, and have analysed the data they received from the soil meter. They also applied their understanding of water quality and the different chemicals that could be present in water by taking samples from the drink taps and the staff water tap. They tested the samples, discussed, and interpreted the results and how it might influence the livability of the area. Students questioned and discussed the potential quality of the water and soil of other areas of school and at home. Several sought to take tests home to test and analyse the quality of the water in their own homes.


Photo of students testing the water quality:


Photo of soil pH level testing in front of Humanities pod: