Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:


Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)

Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)

Zoe Overdyk (Class 56C)


Llewela Humphries
Melissa Woollard
Llewela Humphries
Melissa Woollard


What will you find in this issue:

Inquiry Overview / Home Learning

Inquiry Overview Term Two

In Term Two, students in Year 5/6 will be inquiring about the overarching theme of 'Our World and Beyond'. There are two main sub units that will be investigated. They are; The Solar System and Natural Disasters. This Inquiry unit of work fits in with the Geography, Science, and Ethical Capabilities component of the Victorian Curriculum. 


Students will be learning about the Solar System, in particular focusing on the 8 planets and how they are relevant to the Sun. There is a specific focus on how the planers orbit the Sun and what role it plays in helping Earth grow and sustain human life. 


Various Natural Disasters will be studied and students will identify the social effects these events have on humanity. Students will investigate how natural events can cause rapid change to the Earth's environment and how ethical issues that can be used as a vessel for action when managing these events. They will understand how action can preserve human life. 


Year 5/6 students will express their understanding of these topics through presenting various mediums such as dioramas, digital presentations, posters, displays, verbal presentations and booklets. 



Home Learning:

This Term, your child will have started coming home with their weekly Home Learning tasks. Activities are linked to concepts covered the week prior during class time and are aimed to reinforce skills taught at school through revision. Home Learning is also a great opportunity for your child to practise building time management skills in preparations for high school. It will be sent home every Friday and is due back to your child's classroom teacher by the following Wednesday. This is to allow teachers sufficient time to mark the Home Learning before sending it home for the following week. 

Please see below for a summary of expectations:


STANDARD TIMETABLE (excluding Lacrosse sessions, NAPLAN and Swimming F-2)

5/6 A

Visual Arts: Tuesday 10:30am

Performing Arts: Thursday 9:00am

Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 11:30am

Japanese: Thursday 1:00pm (odd weeks)



Visual Arts: Tuesday 11:30am

Performing Arts: Tuesday 10:30am

Health & Physical Education: Wednesday 9:00am

Japanese: Thursday 11:50am (odd weeks)



Visual Arts:Thursday 9:00am

Performing Arts: Tuesday 11:30am

Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 10:30am

Japanese: Thursday 11:10am (odd weeks)