Hands on Learning


Hands on Learning (HOL) is a program designed to engage ‘at risk’ young people with school and their local community. HOL is an early intervention program for students across Years   7 – 10 in Secondary schools, and across Years 5 – 6 in Primary schools, and has been shown to significantly increase confidence, attendance, and retention of students. Participating students spend one full day each week as part of a HOL team where they are able to take part in creative building projects a

That benefit the school and the local community. The program is long term and delivered in a cross-age supportive environment where role modelling, positive feedback and mentoring are found to be highly effective. As an in school program, students remain connected with their academic based curriculum the remaining four days of the week.

Above, students are hard at work providing protection to the new trees planted in the newly landscaped area of the college and also rebuilding a retaining wall.