Principal's Report

Term One Wrap Up

It’s amazing how quickly term one has flown by. It is great to see the fantastic work that is being done at our College in order to provide our students with strong and varied learning opportunities. It makes me very proud to see how many of our staff are working to engage our students in extra-curricular events and programs including the House Colours Day, Battle of the Bands evening, Staff-Student Basketball competitions, Sport teams coaching and VCE tutoring.


School Uniform

I am pleased with the introduction of the new uniform items and have been receiving enthusiastic feedback from students about the new sports tops and tracksuit pants. 


Reminder that term 2 is the when we change over from our summer uniform to our winter uniform.


Thank you to parents for your assistance in ensuring your son/daughter leaves for school each morning wearing the correct uniform. The School’s culture is that all students wear the College uniform every school day. If your child is not able to wear the uniform, please provide a note and remind them to obtain a uniform pass from their form teacher.


Office Refurbishment

The upgrading of the shared office space between Craigieburn Secondary College and Craigieburn South Primary School is underway. Following its completion we will have a new school entrance and reception area accessible directly from Hothlyn Drive. This will further ensure the safety of our students entering and leaving the school grounds. The proposed completion date is 26th June, 2018.


Parents Communicating with the College                    

At Craigieburn Secondary College we aim to support all parents in the education of their son/daughter. We have developed a Family Partnership Framework which provides strategies for families to use at home to further support their child’s learning. We also have the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy that guides student behaviour and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Code of Conduct that guides teachers’ behaviour. When parents and families have concerns about their child, a teacher or school processes there are a number of ways these can be addressed.  The following table can be used as a guide for families. When visiting the school and discussing concerns we ask all families to:

  • Report to the General Office so that your concern can be directed to the right person
  • Treat all persons associated with the school with respect and courtesy
  • Discuss issues or concerns about the school, staff or students through correct procedures as above
  • Use appropriate language while on school premises in particular in the presence of students, staff and other visitors to the school
  • Ensure social media, such as Facebook, is not used to discuss school related issues.  Concerns can be addressed through the appropriate channels.

At times teachers are unavailable so to avoid lengthy waiting periods we recommend that you ring ahead to make an appointment.


Our aim is to work in partnership with families to ensure that students achieve the best outcomes possible.  We seek your continued support to achieve this aim.


Please access the link on the College website for more specific advice about specific actions for different concerns.


Staff Farewells and Welcome backs

It is with sadness that we farewell several of our long term teachers who have decided to pursue other aspects of their lives in retirement. Farewell to Tony Bell, Phil Raftery and Merja Hanlon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their contributions to education and their dedication to the Craigieburn Secondary College community.

We would like to welcome back Lucy Blackburne from maternity leave.


Happy Holidays and Easter

I would like to thank all our staff, students and parents for a strong and settled start to the year. I wish everyone a relaxing and safe Easter break.