Education News 

Book Week Celebrations

17th – 23rd August 2019

This year the Children’s Book Council Of Australia celebrates

BOOK WEEK from 17th to 23rd August and the theme is


The Short Listed Books are available for viewing in the library 

or on the following website


This year as part of Book Week Celebrations, we will have the following events…




Staff and students come to school dressed up as a book character for a day.  Be creative and use your imagination and be someone or something else for the day! Bring your book to school on Monday and share at Monday morning assembly.



Multi age workshop is a whole school event whereby students are split across various grades and participate in a literature based ‘fun’ activity with another staff member. It allows students to interact and engage with other students and teachers from other year levels within our school.

3/4 Science Expo Excursion

On Monday 12th August twenty-eight of our 3/4 students, 3 MPW staff members and our visiting Japanese teachers all visited Parkwood Green Primary School’s “Student-led Science Expo”. The expo is a culmination of Year 5 and 6 students learning in their Science Specialist lessons for the year.

We were lucky to be able to send five students from each of our 3/4 classes to attend. All students had a fantastic time and were able to explore presentations and demonstrations focussing on Chemistry, Robotics, Earth and Space, Biology and Physics. Our students recorded observations and asked questions, and even took a Yoga device for each group to take photos and videos.

Students will now share back to their own classes what they saw and learned at the expo, which will add to the learning of all of our 3/4 students current Science Inquiry unit.

It was great to see our students be able to work with students from across the other classrooms and also represent MPW at another school. It was a fantastic opportunity and we were grateful for being invited to attend.

Everyone had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the expo and the experience of visiting another school. Students were highly engaged in what they saw, were able to do and were really excited about reporting back to their peers and teachers.

3/4 team and students