Principal's News

Outstanding VCE results

I am proud to announce that the class of 2019 has received outstanding VCE results. With an increase in our ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) score of 1.4 points,  our students have produced some of the best results in five years. I would personally like to congratulate each student and the teachers of the College, particularly the Year 12 teachers for their hard work over the year. I also extend a huge thank you to each family for supporting their child through their final year in VCE and VCAL.


Below are the names of our top performing VCE students for 2019

Dux: Ellen Carey (ATAR 99.0)

Dux Proximus: Meg Nicholls (ATAR 98.5)


ATAR over 90.00

Kyle McKinnon

Isaac Parsons

Hayley Pilat-Turnbull

Hamish Fleming-Jolly

Natasha Grant

Aden McCusker

Stephanie McNally 

Alexis Green

Luc Dann

Parker Wolchyn


As this is the final newsletter for 2019, I wish to thank our community for an incredible year at the College. Not only have we seen outstanding VCE and NAPLAN results, we have also had a wonderful year in terms of the School Production and Dance Showcases, Robotics, Solar Car Championships, Art and Sport. We have been granted master-plan funding of $500,000.00 to re-build our school and have been working hard to re-develop our curriculum to support our students to achieve even better results. Our PTF and school council have been working hard on creating opportunities for our parent community to come together and we have focused on building a culture of kindness, respect and increasing our student and staff passion for learning.


2020 will be another busy year at the College. We are rolling out the new curriculum at 7 and 9, finalising our master-plan, introducing School wide Positive Behaviours, going on Space Camp and to the Adelaide Fringe Festival and looking forward to another great year in our co-curricular program. In 2020 we want to invite parents into our school further by offering a parent expo where we will present sessions on - helping students to study effectively, sleep and mental health support for teenagers, VCE for Dummies and much more. More information regarding this expo and other changes at the College will come out in the annual parent mail out to be sent out next week.


My final note is to wish you all a safe and enjoyable festive season.


Open times and dates for the start of Term 1, 2020 are as follows:

Tuesday 28 January = Offices at both sites open 11.30am-4.30pm

Wednesday 29 January = Offices at both sites open 8.30am-4.30pm

Thursday 30 January Year 7 first day and International Student orientation day

Friday 31 January All students 7 & 10-12 at school

Monday 3 February = Year 8 & 9 First Day (All students at school) 

 Dux/Year 7 Welcome/Leadership Assembly