Student of the Week

Student of the Week

Week Nine, Term Three

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationTaylor PyeFor passing all of her Jolly Phonics tricky words!!! Taylor has been practicing so hard at home to remember all of her tricky words and now with her hard work, she knows them all! You’re a superstar Tay!
1/2 DVArcher JoyceFor making a fantastic contribution to your groups puppet play Chicken Little. Your enthusiasm and animated voices made your play extra special.  
3/4BMaggie BarrFor striving hard to overcome her nerves in the Basketball clinic and finding the motivation to keep trying her best!
3/4FSam Darvenizafor the effort he displays in learning his spelling and then applying this skill in his writing.  Sam is always being cooperative and friendly in the classroom, joining in all activities and completing them to a high standard.  Excellent work Sam!
5/6OBMakayla PyeFor demonstrating resilience during our Balloon Rocket experiment. You found ways to work around problems that arose and worked hard to achieve the goal of the experiment. Well Done Makayla!
5/6TMakayla Pye 

For going above and beyond to assist and learn during STEAM lessons. Thank you for your help Makayla!

JapaneseNoah VandersluisFor creating a fantastic Otsukimi poster and supporting his peers with great help. Thank you very much for making a great choice in Japanese class. 

Week Ten, Term Three

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationMonty LucasFor creating an amazing diorama of the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’. Monty used a range of different materials to create his amazing display and used his knowledge to retell the story, when presenting it to his family and peers. Well done Monty!
1/2 DVQuinn Feely-Hayes For making great puppets and having a go at presenting your puppet play in front of the class. You showed bravery and resilience this week.  Well done and keep up the great work. 
3/4BPaddy TimburyFor the passion shown through his writing in the final weeks of this term. Mrs Elsum was super impressed with your writing!
3/4FSummer PearsonFor making a huge effort to complete all tasks to a high standard.  Summer is always willing to join others and assist them in completing tasks.  Excellent work Summer!
5/6TEthan HillBeing an excellent model of attentive listening.  Ethan looks at the speaker, keeps his body still and even moves up close during the class novel.
STEAM1 / 2 Whole ClassFor your excellence in listening and learning during STEAM. Well Done everyone!
JapaneseLacey UchFor making Japanese numbers in Kanji “一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十” with lego on the last day of Term 3, you have made so many Kanji at one go. Fantastic concentration, Lacey!