News from 1/2

Welcome back to Term 4!  


The last term we sadly farewelled Kade and his family and enjoyed a whole-level celebration on the last day of term.  The excitement of footy colours day was a great day of activity.


As we made our way back to school this week, we heard many delightful stories of holiday adventures. It was great to hear of so many of our students visiting different places around Australia and New Zealand.  The students were very engaged in writing their postcards and recounts of their adventures and have been proudly publishing these to display to parents and the community.  We look forward to sharing these in the next newsletter.


We have enjoyed investigating strategies for Problem Solving this week and have been focused on understanding the important vocabulary in problems that can assist us in unlocking solutions the problem.


This term we are focusing on our inquiry unit which looks at connections and our connection with our past. We look forward to hearing about our stories as we investigate our family histories and how our grandparents' lives were different from ours.  We will also look forward to an excursion to the Melbourne Museum to see relics of Melbourne's past.