

All students who are considering the options of studying or deferring a course next year should lodge a VTAC application now. Even if you are not sure if you want to study next year, I advise you to set up an application and select to pay later. All you need to do is include one course, and don’t worry you are not locked into this course, you can change it at any time.  


Many valuable resources to assist you have been sent home and put in the Year 12 Newsfeed on Compass. Also please refer to the VTAC document sent home in the study packages. You can also access resources on the VTAC website.


Any students wanting to lodge a SEAS application must open a course application first.

Important Dates

PROCESS  DATE                                                                         FEE (IF APPLICABLE)
Timely course applicationsClose 5pm 30 September Fee $42
Late applications - open 5.15pm 30 September Close 5pm 5 November Fee $122
SEAS applicationsClose 5pm 8 October No fee
Scholarship applicationsClose 5pm 8 October No fee
ATAR release - online7am 16 December No fee

For all other ATAR/Offer dates go to


I am available for interviews during the holidays so if you need any assistance you can contact me via Teams, email, or phone. 


Debra Hanlen

Phone: 0436 611 969

Helpful Links