Wellbeing links to support parents with their kids

Resources for Parents 

Navigating through the COVID19 Pandemic and OCL, the health and wellbeing of our staff, students and their families remain our number one priority.


As the nation turns to friends, family and colleagues to ask the question: "R U OK?....R U really OK?" It's important to remind parents and carers that we need to ask our young people these questions too. And not just on R U OK day.


In Australia it is estimated that approximately one in seven children experience mental health challenges.


Given kids won't always be ready to talk, what should parents be looking out for if they're concerned their child might be struggling with their mental health?


"If a child is withdrawn and won't talk with you about things when they normally can - then the message has to be 'there's nothing so bad that we can't talk about it’. Parents and carers need to reiterate that they're available to talk even if it's in the middle of the night." 


Please refer to a document created by the Department of Education and Training on wellbeing activities and conversation starters for parents of secondary school aged children for ideas of how to have these conversation with your children.


Resources and Links