News from Year 4 and 5

Welcome back to everyone. We hope you had a fantastic break and are well-rested to begin again in term 3. 


Our class has settled back into learning really well and everyone is ready and raring to go. 


Goal setting


With only half the year to go our class has been looking at setting goals. This week the children have been looking at what they want to improve in and each of them has set a maths, reading, writing and personal goal for themselves. Below is a sample of some of their goals. 






This term we are studying a book called 'The One and Only Ivan'. The students have been making some great predictions just using the front cover and the title and there have been some insightful questions and great discussions.  So far we have looked at some of the similies and language in the book and the purpose of why the author has written this book in the first person. This will be a whole-term study and so far the students have enjoyed the novel. 




For Naidoc week some of our class are presenting an indigenous story in assembly on Monday. If you are free Monday afternoon please come and watch and support your children.


We have also been researching an Aboriginal Elder.  Our class has been researching Uncle Jack Charles.  So far some of our class have done some aboriginal designs and have typed up some information about where he was born, what 'mob' he belonged to and what his career was. Each class is making a large replica of the person in the form of a bollard. Below is a picture of what our bollard of Uncle Jack Charles looks like. 



A Sad Farewell:


As many of you know Bek Spencer who has been working with your children for the past three or more years has made the decision to expand her horizons and try something completely new. She will be leaving her LSO position at the school in 3 weeks' time to work as an Practice Manager at a physiotherapy clinic. While this is exciting for her and we wish her all the best in her new career it has been a bit sad for all of us in this class. If your child worked closely with Ms Spencer over the last few years it would be great if they could write or draw some nice memories they have of working with her. While we have organized for the kids and staff to make some mementoes of Ms. Spencer's time at St Joseph's during school,  if your child wishes to I invite them to make her an extra something special (even if it's just a nice message or card).  


We will inform the children and yourselves of who the next Learning Support Officer will be as soon as we know anything further. We will miss Ms Spencer, but we warmly wish her well in this new chapter of her life. 


Paula Durrant and a Deb Fahey.