News from One/Two

Welcome back, everyone! We hope you had a lovely winter break. 


This term we welcome Cassandra Darwall to the 1/2 family.  Cassandra is the Education Support Officer for our level. Cassandra has been busily getting to know our students this week.

Cassandra Darwall
Cassandra Darwall


This week the 1/2 class have been busy with NAIDOC activities. We have been learning language and understanding the meaning behind the NAIDOC theme 'For our Elders'.


One of the projects this week was to create a bollard based on an Aboriginal Elder. Our class was given the inspirational Archie Roach to study. Armed with pen and pencil the children watched a Behind the News piece on Archie's life. During this news time, they drew what they saw or learnt about this legendary singer, songwriter, and storyteller. You can see some of the ideas in the pictures below.



The children have started painting some of their ideas on the bollard and so far it looks like this. Over the next few weeks, the transformation will be amazing.



At the end of the last term, our children had some fun with playdough and fractions. Here are some amazing photos. 


This term in Mathematics we will be focused on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and statistics. 


During Literacy (between all the reading and spelling we will be doing) our class will be focusing on poetry and narratives.


Don't forget:


1/2 TF Weekly Timetable Term 3

Monday (Mrs. T) - Performing Arts (Mrs. Bourke) and reading folders sent home.

Tuesday (Mrs. T) - Japanese (Mrs. Bowden).

Wednesday (Mr. F) - Library borrowing (when time permits). Sorry no borrowing this week as we have some special NAIDOC activities.

Thursday (Mr. F) - STEAM (Mrs. Hermansen), lunch orders due.

Friday (Mrs. T) - PE with Mr. Foley. (Please wear sports uniform), reading folders to be brought back to school, lunch order day.


Please if you have any school readers at home can you please return these to the 1/2 classroom? We are already in short supply and if any readers are kept at home they are not helping the children in our classroom. Thank you for returning these.


Have a lovely weekend.



Jacqui Tarquinio and Terry Foley

1/2 Class Teachers