Indigenous Education

During Reconciliation Week last term, all students and staff collaborated on an art piece using Indigenous-inspired symbols.   Each gum leaf, gum nut and gum flower is unique and represents either indigenous symbols or colours. Together is makes a wonderful piece of art in our foyer.


Come in and view it for yourself!










NAIDOC Week - For Our Elders

The classes have been busy working on and learning about Indigenous culture and Elders this week. Each class has looked at Indigenous Dreamtime Stories and will retell the story through puppets and acting at Monday's afternoon assembly. Another big project we have been working on is researching an important Indigenous Elder and creating a wooden bollard to showcase the Elder. These bollards will contain information about the Elder and artworks inspired by Aboriginal artists. These are still in progress, but they are looking fantastic so far! We are hoping to show you some at Monday afternoon's assembly.


Opening the Doors Foundation Walk-a-thon