Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had wonderful holidays, however, you spent it! I spent the holidays catching up with friends and catching up on Netflix!!!


Seeing all the students looking happy and excited to see their friends again and be back learning new things has been great. In a perfect world, we would all love to say that kids always want to come to school, and much like us, it is normal for adults to have days where we don't feel like going to work. I was sent an interesting article recently about school refusal and attendance. There is a section in the article that I found really interesting, and it may speak to you. It explained how children need to rebuild trust with the school, and it also talked about how "Parents can help by becoming boring & meddlesome to be around. The time for convincing is over. If the young person is staying at home, they can be asked to assist with chores, shopping & helping around the house. The requests should continue even if the young person declines their parent’s kind invitations. The message we want from both the school & at home is that we care, & we know the young person’s contribution is important". I have attached the article if you are interested in reading more! Please reach out if you are experiencing these things, and we will work together to do what's right and best for your child in any way we can.


A few information sessions are being run through Anglicare that you may also be interested in participating in. Please use the links below.



Important Upcoming Wellbeing Dates:

  • Monday 17th July- Grade 5/6 Leadership Workshop (incursion at school- ran by Kids helpline)
  • Thursday 27th July- Grade 5/6 Girls Wellbeing Workshop focusing on stress and, in particular, around times of transition/change (secondary school), as well as exploring thoughts, feelings and emotions and understanding our circle of control. (Incursion at school run by Live, Laugh, Whole) TBC 
  • Tuesday 8th August- Grade 3/4 Friendship Workshop (incursion at school- ran by Kids helpline)
  • Wednesday 16th August- Human Development Workshop for students in 5/6 and their parents (TBC)
  • Thursday 17th August- Grade F/1/2 Resilience Workshop (incursion at school- ran by Kids helpline)

PBL & Respectful Relationships

This Term, we have chosen to have a whole focus and scheduled time where explicit wellbeing lessons are being taught. Every Monday morning between 9-9:30 am, the classes learn and look at our school values, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience and how they can show that in different areas of our school. The students are explicitly taught these behaviours and what they should look like. On the alternative week, students are engaging in Respectful Relationship lessons. This term we are looking at 'Help Seeking'.