Year One News

Year One Team: Joanna (Instructional Leader), Libby (Leading Teacher), Laura, Linda, Trang, & Jess S

Term Two in Grade 1

Welcome back! 


We trust that everyone had a relaxing and exciting break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the Term ahead. This Term, the Grade 1’s will continue to flourish and grow each week. We look forward to our parent helpers joining us and lending a hand in continuing to deliver a rich and inclusive learning environment to our Grade 1 students. Look out for more details via Compass and the Newsletter later in the term. 


Students will continue to engage with the Little Learners Love Literacy Program. They will learn how to identify sounds and syllables through blending and manipulating new codeable words they are introduced to each week. Students will also learn how to implement these new codeable words into their writing and spelling. During writing sessions, students will learn how to form a range of sentences, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Students will build on their understanding of structuring sentences correctly by using capital letters, punctuation and finger spaces correctly.


Students will explore a range of strategies to assist them with solving addition and subtraction problems. This will include counting on, counting back, building to tens while using number lines and concrete materials to support their understanding. Students will expand their vocabulary to describe words of position and directions to explain the location of objects in real life and on simple maps. Furthermore, they will also explore the concepts of measurement, such as telling the time and ordering and comparing the mass of objects. Students will learn about fractions, such as halves and quarters when using shapes and groups of objects. 

Sciences (Physical and Chemical)

Students will explore the mechanisms of toys and understand the various forces such as pull, push, drag, float, spink, sink, rock and roll. By the end of this unit, students will have designed and built their own toys, including at least one of the forces of motion. Furthermore, students will be given the opportunity to explore various ingredients and cooking during our Orchard to Plate program. 

Respectful Relationships

Students will continue to explore body consent, body autonomy and identify problem solving strategies for social situations. Students will identify their emotional status through the Zones of Regulation and apply strategies they can use to move through these zones to adjust comfortably to their learning environment. Furthermore, students will engage in collaborative activities to develop positive coping skills for when faced with real life social and intrapersonal issues. The activities will also build upon their decision making, critical and evaluative skills. 


We look forward to working with all students and families this term.


Kind regards,


Joanna, Trang, Jess, Linda, Libby and Laura