SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Term 1 Week 11 Tuesday 4th April - John Oxley Sporting Fields 

The school cross country will be Term 1 Week 11 Tuesday 4th April


The annual Cross Country will be held on Tuesday 4th April at John Oxley Sporting Fields.


Students in Infants K-2 will run 1km, Year 3-6 students aged 8-10yrs (any year 2 student who turns 8 this year is also included in this group) will run 2km and students aged 11-13 years will run 3km. It is the age your child turns this year. 


Further information will go home soon. Students are already starting prepartions with Mrs Healey in PE. Please encourage your child to prepare for this activity at home. 



We wish Annie and Angus all of the best as they will be attempting to gain selection in their respective sports  (Girls and Boys Hockey) at the Polding Winter Trials in Tamworth on Friday 28th April. 




St Patrick's Primary Sports Handbook

St Patrick's now has an official sports handbook. This book is designed to give all members associated with our school a clearer understanding of when our school conducts our various sporting carnivals, the processes/qualifying times involved for students who want to represent our school at Diocesan sporting events as well as an explanation of the representative sporting pathways your child may want to undertake in their respective sports. Also, there are lists of all of our various school swimming and athletics records. These will be continually updated if any of these records are broken in the near future.


I would like to thank Lisa Patterson-Kane who has spent a lot of time and effort in compiling this handbook. I know it will definitely assist parents in gaining a greater understanding of what sporting opportunities our school and the diocese provide. Included below is a link for everyone to access the handbook. Also, a copy of the sports handbook will be provided to all families via Compass.