School Assembly
We will be presenting our final assembly for the term on Friday 31st March 2023 commencing at 11.30am. We hope to see you there!
School Assembly for the 1st Term Dates
Here are the dates that our school assemblies will be held this term.
*Friday 31st March at 11.30 am
Jelly Bean Cup
Congratulations to the Kindergarten class for winning the Jelly Bean Cup for the best class lining up. Also, congratulations goes out to all of the students who received an award for their outstanding achievements in the classroom as well as Adelaide and Katie for being the first winners of the "Spirit of St Patrick's Award". It is very well deserved. I wonder which class is going to win the Jelly Bean Cup at our last assembly for this term?
Award Winners from Our Last Assembly
Spirit of St Patrick's Awards-Adelaide Laurie and Katie Rizzi
Classroom Awards
Jack Provost - Trying super hard to sound out words and to think of words that begin with m, s and t. Such a clever boy!
Year 1/2
Oscar Young - His fabulous work in creative arts time especially art and music.
Will Lisle - The terrific work he is doing with reading and soundwork.
Year 3/4
Tom McMaugh -Jumping into the learning pit and working hard to get out.
Hugh Willock - Jumping into the learning pit and working hard to get out.
Year 5/6
Lilah Tate- Ultra enthusiastic participation in Chinese language lessons.
Nate Powell - Always displaying an excellent attitude in his approach to work and school life.