Year 7 Immunisation

Dear Parents and Guardians, 


Hope you are all well and have had a smooth start to the term. I am just sending out a reminder the Year 7 Immunisations will be taking place on the 8th May 2023.  

There have recently been some changes to the program please see below information from Banyule council. 


Human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Schedule Changes 

From 6 February 2023, the National Immunisation Program (NIP) dosing schedule for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has changed from two doses to a single dose for most people. 


If you have already given consent for your child’s HPV vaccination, and agree to your child having a single dose of Gardasil®9 vaccine instead of the previous two doses, you do not need to take any further action.   


If you would like to discuss the change, or clarify any information contained in this message please contact Banyule City Council on 9457 9964. 

Further details are available on the Better Health Channel: 


I have attached the consent form, if you not yet completed this please do so ASAP so we can inform Banyule council.  


Any question regarding the program please call the number above. 

Take care, 


Glenn Jenner 

Assistant Principal