Assistant Principals' Report 


Term One has been a busy term and our students have successfully transitioned into the challenges of a new academic year.  


We have completed our NAPLAN online testing, with a high attendance and completion rate- well done to all Year 7 and 9 students for your courage and perseverance during this challenging time. 


On the 27th March we had the College Athletics Day which was a fantastic day of student participation in a variety of activities and outstanding performance results.  

We also had our annual Explore Night where we were able to meet and chat with prospective parents and students showcasing our Teaching and Learning programs and Positive Climate for Learning initiatives. 


On the Monday 3rd April, we held our Annual Induction Ceremony and celebrated our new student leadership team with their families present for their formal induction. We have already worked on a number of college events this term and are looking forward to more events over the upcoming terms. 


Holidays should be holidays but we encourage families to log onto Compass and ensure that your child is up to date with Learning tasks. Holidays may provide an opportunity to catch up on work that has been missed or to create a summary of first term learnings. Year 12 students are now one-third of the way through their learning program, so a comprehensive revision of content to date will be important. 


Remember also to review the feedback provided by teachers on Compass Learning Tasks for all Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and School Assessed Coursework (SACs).  

We would like to wish all our families a safe and happy holiday and hope that you all manage to have a well-earned break. 

Take care,  


Glenn Jenner and Rose Thomson