School Council

School Council Membership

Parent members:

  • Louise Evans
  • Ben Atchison
  • Lisa Shaw
  • Simone Beever
  • Lee Cath
  • Nigel Keegan
  • Jarrod Smith
  • Nigel Toussaint

 DET members:

  • Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
  • Helen Lockart
  • Vicki McCormack
  • Alyena Mohummadally
  • Vacant
  • Sandra Monaghan (School Council Secretary)

2019 Meetings

  • Monday 25th February
  • Monday 25th March
  • Monday 27th May
  • Monday 24th June
  • Monday 26th August
  • Monday 16th September
  • Monday 25th November
  • Monday 16th December

School Council Elections 2019

Interested in getting involved in School Council?

Nominations are now open for vacant parent spots on the school council. This is a great way to get involved in the wonderful community that we have at MPW.


What is School Council?

With members drawn from both parents and staff, Council has a role in setting and monitoring the school's direction. It does not run the school, that remains the responsibility of the principal.

Council is a significant voice for the community with regards to the type of school we want to be, and as such, benefits from having members drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds and with kids across the year levels.


What am I signing up for?

Terms last for 2 years and there are typically 8 council meetings during the year, held at 7 pm on Monday evenings. Council members also contribute to one or more of the sub-committees of Education, Environment, Community Connections or Resources (Finance).

Councillors are a great conduit to Council of what the community is thinking, so staying in touch with a range of opinions is a good idea. 


Sounds great, where do I sign?

Nomination forms are available from the General Office and are due in by 4 pm Thursday 28th February. Get cracking!!