Principal's report

Dear Parent, Carers, and friends of MPWPS,


Here we are at Week 9 and things around us are moving pretty quickly! At present teachers are finalising reports and organising class groupings. It is an exciting time.  My thanks to our parent ‘Jas’ who has started the big task of trying to return lost property to its rightful home.  Please ask your child to have a look at the items, on hangers, artfully displayed on the fence near the platform just before the entry to the synthigrass.  Most of the items are non- school uniform, some are brand names, all in good condition!  This is your LAST chance to reclaim!

Staffing News

Congratulations to Ms Michelle Bovè who has been appointed to St Kilda Park Primary School as their new Assistant Principal. Michelle has been with MPWPS for the past 5 years and has been a member of the leadership team for that time.  We will miss Michelle and wish her the very best as she steps into a new leadership pathway.

Congratulations to Ms Kim Simmons who has been successful in gaining for MPWPS, a new position Learning Specialist - Literacy for 2019.  This is an ‘acting’ position for twelve months and will assist in ensuring that our literacy practices are implemented consistently and with fidelity.  Kim has strong literacy knowledge and has recently completed (with Vicki Stanley and Jamie Harding) a Regional Leading Literacy course.  Currently, we are interviewing for a teaching position and for internal leadership opportunities.  We will be working right down to the wire!

The Junior and Senior Choir Performance, Alice in Wonderland

Yes the night is approaching! All children involved are busy practicing their lines and dance steps. I have had a sneak peek at the rehearsals and it is looking amazing!  With about 70 of our children involved I am sure it will be a night not to be missed.  So CHOOKAS everyone!

The holiday slide

There is such a thing as the ‘holiday slide’ where children’s reading achievement slips over a long break, like the upcoming holiday time.  This of course can be avoided by encouraging your child to read during the break.  For some of our children we will be providing a small holiday pack to encourage the reading of ‘just right’ books. If your child is given a holiday pack, please become familiar with the information for parents/carers and encourage participation during your time away from school.  The holiday pack is a great way to stay connected to school and learning. No pack then a book at Christmas is always a great gift!  Another great opportunity for students over the break is the Holiday Diary.  Each day around 5 pm (that ‘ratty’ time of the day) out comes the holiday diary for 30 minutes of writing and or drawing about their day.  A great calmer after a busy day of swimming and or playing, and a wonderful item to bring out for the 21st Birthday table!  The adventures of the day can be exciting or mundane, it is the process of sitting and reviewing what happened during the day that is of importance.  Haven’t done a Holiday Diary before? All that it requires is an unlined new book and brand new textas!  Some of these items can be a gift from family or placed under the tree by someone wearing red!  Give it a go!

School Improvement Team

Yesterday the School Improvement Team (our leaders of class teams, AP, and Leading Teachers) worked all day on developing the areas of the new Strategic Plan and yearly Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). In my current role, it was terrific to have the ideas, questions and input from the team as we pulled together the Key Improvement Strategies for both documents.  The process from here is to present for endorsement by School Council and then in the new school year communicate the three new goals and targets for our schools four year journey into improvement. I publicly thank the team for their contribution over the Semester.

Well that’s about it from me for this week.  Until we meet in person, stay calm, strong and in touch!



Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)