Principal's report

Greetings to Parents, Carers, Students and Community Members of the MPWPS,


Music Concerts

Last week was a BIG week of music playing and performing.  Didn’t our students do exceptionally well?  I watched the Sound-garage performers display their skills in voice, piano and guitar.  Then on Thursday evening at Moonee Valley, the four schools associated with the Moonee Vale Instrumental Music Program (Ascot Vale, Ascot Vale West, Moonee Ponds and Moonee Ponds West) took to the stage. It was pleasing to see how well the children played on the big concert stage and that all were respectful of others performing, listening with the intent to enjoy. Congratulations to all involved.

Building site

You will have noticed that the building site fences are up and that the Site Office has arrived!  It is very exciting!  Over the past weekends, the contractors have been removing the interior of the toilets and there will be an authorised inspection in the next days.  Then the demolition will begin.  The plan is to pour the slab before Christmas.  Currently, we are preparing a flier to inform our tolerant neighbours of the possible interruption to a quiet street and apologise for any inconvenience. The plans for the new toilet block are at the General Office if you are interested.  Sandra can assist you.

Report Writing

Now, the teachers are reviewing student learning, in preparation for writing your child’s progress report.  I have been privy to many conversations around growth in learning that the students are demonstrating this Semester, which is the core work of our profession.  The teachers and students are excited about the achievement they can show and so am I!  Knowing where each child is on the learning continuum and planning next steps is the work of all teachers and leaders together. When teachers believe they can make a difference together, this has an immense effect on student achievement. It is an expectation that all children will have their growth in learning monitored, and tracked over time.  Student reports are due to you on Friday 14th December.  As is usual if you want to speak to the teacher about the report, please make a suitable time.

Foundation Students

We are coming up to our third session for our new students and families.  It is very exciting to see the little ones are developing in confidence and getting familiar with the new school environment.  Of course, some siblings are old hands at coming to school, having been round this place for many years waiting to attend this great place known as ‘school’.

It has been very pleasing to have parents/carers attend the Parent/Carer Information sessions as well.  Knowing how the school works and getting to know the other parents/carers is all part of being engaged in the school community.  We have two more session for parents/carers; one is with Dr David Collins around supporting your child’s emotional growth, and then I think you meet me and I go through some of the practices and processes of the school.

On Transition Day Dec 11 your child will meet their teacher and classmates.

Your substantive Principal

We have had confirmed that Jeff will be remaining on leave for the rest of 2018.  We all send our best wishes to Jeff. I will be remaining in this position until otherwise informed by the SWM Regional Director.


Well that is about it from me this week.  Until we meet in person, have a safe and rewarding week.



Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)