Book Review:

'Long Way Down'

CSC Book Club

We selected ‘Long Way Down,’ a graphic novel, by Jason Reynolds with art by Danica Novgorodoff as our first story for the Craigieburn Secondary College Book Club. Unfamiliar to the graphic novel genre, we were hesitant to dive into this world but were soon captivated by the watercolour illustrations and compelling narrative. 


‘Long Way Down’ depicts the tragic experience of gun-related violence affecting African American communities. Will experiences the heartbreaking death of his loving older brother, Shawn, and faces the difficult decision to uphold the third rule of their community – revenge.


After witnessing the death of his brother, Will becomes determined to get revenge on his brothers’ killer. During the elevator ride down to get revenge, Will is confronted by the ghosts of friends and family who are part of this cycle of gang violence. Will is ultimately left with the decision to follow in the ghosts’ footsteps, getting revenge, or to break the rules and stop the cycle.


Reading through the book we were captivated by Novgorodoff’s use of bleak backgrounds that contrasted against the bold, colourful water colours of characters and events. Will is presented as a loyal brother who wants to seek revenge upon his brother’s murderer.


The metaphor of Will trapped in a downward journey haunted by lost loved one’s forces Will to reconsider the values he lives his life by. Leaving the ending ambiguous, Novgorodoff allows the reader to reflect on the text, considering what actions can be taken to mitigate gang violence.


Ultimately, we believe this book is a must read to provoke thought around gang culture and justice, particularly in the current climate of the Black Lives Matter movement. 

                                                             – CSC Bookclub