Engage Program

Deb Pizaro

Round 2 of the Engage Program kicked off on May 17th with 13 Year 8 students participating this time around.  We have had a really positive start using the first week to establish our community/classroom expectations to be SAFE, RESPECTFUL and READY TO LEARN.  


We begin each day with a community check in taking the time to ask each other “How are you feeling today?”, “What is your goal for today?” and “Who can help you reach your goal?”.  Our students and teachers all fill in a daily journal and reflect on our sleep and emotions.  We are learning how to identify and label our emotions in order for us to gain a better understanding of ourselves, our reactions and the consequences of decisions we make. 


Our class spent a week researching the RSPCA focusing on animal welfare.  We learnt so much about the work they do and issues such as how battery hens are treated, the huge problems with puppy farms and even looked at cosmetic testing on animals.  It was a great unit and the students showed tremendous empathy for the various animal welfare issues.  Each student researched one issue they felt particularly strongly about and it was great to hear students saying they were going home and having conversations with their parents and carers.


In numeracy, we have been looking at sports statistics, gathering data and reading tables and graphs.  Students have been loving the fresh fruit and toasties and overall, there is just a really optimistic vibe in the classroom. 


We have had loads of positive parent contact which is helping us to build a stronger school community. So far, the program is off to a flying start!!

                                                                 – Deb Pizaro