Recording Studio Excursion

Makenzy Jackson

In Term 3 2020, the Performing Arts department held an online talent competition to lift students spirits up during quarantine! Two students, myself and Darcie Bendelle, won with original songs we wrote. As a reward, Ms. Gorman organised a day where Darcie and I could record our winning songs in a professional recording studio. 

After waiting for restrictions to ease, on May 27th, Mr. Sherlock, Mr. Naylor and Ms. Kane took myself and Darcie to a GM Studios in Campbellfield. We met a lovely and professional music producer named Chris, who has been producing music for a very long time. The space we were given to work with was really cool as well! 


When the time came around to start working on our songs, Mr. Sherlock and Mr. Naylor brainstormed different ideas with different instruments until we found something we loved; while Ms. Kane gave us vocal advice and Chris helped us record it.


I recently just got my finished song and I personally love it, it’s so exciting to hear something you’ve created be professionally produced. 


Overall, it was an incredibly fun experience and it was such a wonderful opportunity to be given!

                                                     – Mackenzy Jackson

                                             Performing Arts Captain