During week 10 in Term 2, Aboriginal Students hosted a range of NAIDOC events for the Kurri Kurri High School students and teachers. We have played music from Aboriginal artists each lunch time whilst having artefact displays, weaving workshops. Students and teachers were given a special bush flavoured meatball and Kangaroo sausages prepared by the JAECG and cooked by Rotary. Big Thank you to Kurri Kurri ALDI and Coles for donating the mince. JAECG executive also ran a special NAIDOC assembly where our school dance group performed to “Treaty”.  

Our Yarning circle was also painted by students working with Aboriginal artists Emily Lloyd (previous KKHS student) and Taleesha Murphy (current Year 7 student). The artwork tells the story of KKHS students and their different journeys to find success. The centre of the artwork represents the school and its students sitting. They all travel different paths including transition to work, further study, such as University, TAFE and Specialist schools, family and those who move away to other areas. The meeting circles showcase the different opportunities that students have at KKHS through Big Picture Education, Transition to Work as well as more traditional methods of Education. The footprints share the journey KKHS students take to become global citizens and can be seen as detailed U shapes that represent the whole person within our community. Tiddalick the frog, the Kangaroo’s and the totem Eagles represent and acknowledge the local community and country. We hope the artwork is enjoyed by all.