Kirawa have been continuing to work to high expectations, even when working from home! We have loved getting on Zoom first up each morning and our pets have now become a part of our class.  

We have been developing our use of TEEEC paragraphs to summarise research for the Inquiry Questions in our Personal Interest Projects. We have also been exploring the purpose of different texts and strengthening our calculations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with decimal numbers. 

In addition to all of this incredible work, students have also continued to get on to Zoom and Seesaw to complete their lessons with Miss Smith, Mrs Phillips for Lifestyle, Mr Pearce for Technology and Miss Weekes for Music! They have been doing some incredible work with fitness challenges, Minecraft and coding tasks, and composing their own music. We have even had some musical performances from our talented students in our daily Zoom meetings! 

Some students have been enjoying the daily Education LIVE videos each day at 10am. Our class particularly like the animals from the Australian Reptile Park each day.  

Kirawa are definitely a stand out class for keeping their expectations high! Well done everyone!