Meet Megan! You may be familiar with this smiling face around school or in the community, Megan is our Student Support Officer (SSO) who works within the Wellbeing Team to assist all students in our school to be happy, healthy and achieving their best.
Within the school, Megan provides one on one support and facilitates small group work to help students address their wellbeing, whether it be physical, emotional or psychological, as well as linking students and their families to external support agencies. Through programs such as RAGE, SHINE girls, Managing the Bull and Rainbow Alliance to name a few.
The SSO is a resource for all students whether they are currently experiencing hardship, are supporting friends or family or just want to learn more about wellbeing to help achieve their goals. Megan also runs school holiday programs within the local community - which are posted on the school's Facebook page leading up to school holidays.
Students are referred to the student support officer for one on one support via self-referral, year advisors and deputies. Parents can contact Megan through the school office or families and students can use this referral form to access support.
Please note that this form is NOT for emergency mental health support – If you require immediate assistance please contact 000
Regardless of lockdown extensions or back to a new normal the KKHS wellbeing team are committed to ensuring students and their families have access to some fun activites this term.
Thursday September 9 is R U OK? Day
THIS YEAR THE MESSAGE IS: Are they really OK? Ask them today.
Do you know how the people in your world are really going?
Life's ups and downs happen to all of us. Chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small. This year we celebrate awareness and teach the skills of how to check if someone is REALLY ok and then next steps to support. This will be done through Advisory (yrs 7 and 8) and Wellbeing lessons (yrs 9 and 10) during the week of our annual R U OK? Disco- Depending on COVID restrictions by this time students will participate in our silent disco as a virtual disco at home.
The Black Dog Institute are offering a series of FREE webinars to support R U OK? Day to learn more about common mental health condidtions, where and when to seek help, and how to help a loved one. Register for FREE HERE
MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT: Need mental health support but don’t know where to start?
Talk to:
- Your GP (local doctor). You might need a referral to a psychologist who can be subsidised through Medicare.
- Call BeyondBlue for wellbeing advice and strategies on 1800 51 23 48.
- The NSW Mental Health line on 1800 011 511 for service advice and referral for managing exsisting mental illness.
- For young people and children, call Kids Helpline 24/7 on 1800 55 1800 or chat online
- Young people (12- 24) can find their closest headspace centre HERE
Social Media Advice:
Does you child use Instagram, SnapChat, Tik Tok or You Tube? Register for the Office of eSafety Commissioner’s Parents Guide to Popular Apps webinar via the button below:
The webinar is designed for parents with children aged 8-13 for parents tolearn how to support and keep their childs online experiences safe and positive. Webinars are FREE and are running in 2 timelsots:
Monday the 6th of September at 12.30pm
Friday the 10th of September at 12.30pm
Teen Drug and Alcohol Prevention:
This FREE presentation will discuss the prevalence of drug and alcohol use among young people; the role personality, mental health and the developing brain have on shaping teenager's drug and alcohol use, and implications for prevention.
Click HERE to register and for more info.
Wellbeing App of the Term- iBobbly
Free on iOS and Android.
A social and emotional wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15 years and over.
Completely private and confidential, it helps by showing you ways to manage your thoughts and feelings, as well as how to decide what is important in your life.
For more information check out the BROCHURE
Be sure to keep up to date and connected with all things Wellbeing and more on our socials. We have some surprises’ coming up Hint: Random Acts of Kindness
@Kurri_kurri_high_school on Instagram and Facebook.