The Lifestyle faculty launched our lockdown challenge to encourage our KKHS students and staff to keep physically active while we continue with online learning. Each Monday the Lifestyle faculty will launch new weekly challenges, each with their own points value. The aim for both students and staff is to complete 1000 points each week! A photograph or short video are required to support their submission. The most popular challenges have been Just Dance, Active Play and Wheelie Active as we continually add to our challenges we encourage all to try something new!  Our Stage 4 students have certainly been are most active students but will Stage 5 or the KKHS staff strike a comeback?  



This Term Year 7 have been completing our GRIT unit of work which has involved them creating a Mental Health toolkit as well as develop their skills in our Survivor challenges. Students have been working on their self management and interpersonal skills to complete a series of physical challenges in our practical lessons. Perseverance, resilience and collaborative skills where all required to complete these challenges successfully.  





This Term Year 8 have been investigating the importance of lifelong physical activity through our “Let’s Get Physical” Project. Students were also able to incorporate their ICT skills to create an informative website for the local Kurri Kurri community on places the community could access to improve their physical health 


We kicked off our Sports in Action Project where students have been challenged to run the Kookaburra Cup which is our Hub Netball Gala Day. Unfortunately, lockdown has resulted in taken our organisation online, hopefully when we get back to school, we can kick off our competition in our Sport periods.  





Year 9 PASS have been investigating ways athletes can improve their performance. Their Shark Tank Project involved them presenting their prototype and ideas to a panel of experts ( Mr Hope, Mrs Wilson Year 9 DP and Mrs Gavenlock HT Lifestyle). During this task students developed their research and presentation skills and proved there are innovative and creative thinkers. Ideas ranged from new sneaker designs, ergonomic work out gear, and nutritional ideas.  






Currently all Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation students are not only participating in the Let's Get Moving Challenge but are actively working out Isometrically to maintain their fitness levels and not experience reversibility.  

Isometric training is essentially a fancy way to categorize exercises that recruit muscles and exert tension without actually lengthening or shortening the muscle. In other words, the muscle is flexed, but it’s not expanding and compressing. It’s a stagnant way of placing a demand on a desired muscle or group of muscles. 

This type of training includes a number of moves that can target your entire body. As always, athletes can make the best use of their time if they perform moves that engage both the upper body and lower body at the same time.    






Year 12 have been staying motivated during Lockdown and attending all online learning sessions. We tend to break up our sessions using game-based quizzes to help create connection, have some laughs as well as important revision in preparation for their final HSC exams. Students are currently studying the HSC Option Improving performance which complemented the Olympic and Paralympic games being held over the past month. Students have been able to draw links from what they are watching or from personal experience in club and representative sport. 

This topic looks at specific training methods used by athletes to improve health and skill related components of fitness. They explore the concept of Periodisation by creating their own year training schedule for a sport of their choice. Below is an example from Emma Phillips: 


 Students have been using many software applications to stay motivated such as: online multiple choice, Blooket, Quizlet, Microsoft Teams break out spaces for collaboration and group work, Mentimeter, Pear deck and  flipped learning through and Edrolo to stay engaged.  

Their commitment and positive attitudes to continuing their learning during this unprecedented time is exemplary. Keep up the great work Yr 12!