Sport Report

It has been a long wait but finally after 2 years sport has returned to Sandringham College. Between interschool sport, athletics and swimming there has been a lot on offer and many successes to celebrate.
College Athletics Carnival – and the winner is Flinders!
Never before has there been such a closely contested athletics carnival where only 10 points have separated first and second place. Well done to Flinders for taking out the overall honours.
1st place- Flinders 1280
2nd place- Nepean 1270
3rd place- Phillip 972
Thank you to students and staff for making the day such a wonderful event. A special mention to Sandringham Athletics Club for allowing us to be the first school to use their facility since it's recent upgrade. Students will be notified of their selection onto the district team early next term, ahead of the competition in term 3 at Duncan McKinnon Reserve.
Swimming trials, Kingston Division and Southern Metropolitan Swimming Championships
In the space of one week we held swimming trials to select our district team, these students competed in the Kingston Division Swimming Championships and then our successful swimmers competed at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre in the Southern Metropolitan Swimming Championships. Congratulations to Sienna Barkei and Oscar Campbell for making it through to this level. Results were as follows:
Sienna: Oscar:
50m Breastroke- 3rd 100m Freestyle- 1st
100m Breastroke- 6th 100m Backstroke- 1st
200m Freestyle-1st
Oscar will now swim at the State Finals on April 28th. Good luck Oscar!
Sienna and Oscar have been busy outside of school swimming as well. Both qualified to compete in the Victorian Long Course Age Championships held at the beginning of March; an event capturing the best swimmers from across the state. Oscar also won a bronze medal in the 50m backstroke Victorian Metro All Junior Competition and Sienna is headed to Adelaide in the school holidays to compete at Nationals in the 400m Individual Medley. We wish her the best of luck!
Year 7 & 8 Interschool Sport
What a fabulous term we’ve had of weekly Year 7&8 Sport. Students have competitively represented the college in volleyball, tennis and baseball. At both year levels our girls volleyball teams went through their pools undefeated, along with Year 7 boys tennis and Year 7 baseball. Year 8 boys tennis and boys volleyball had some wins and some losses but always conducted themselves with the utmost respect. Those who didn’t compete against other Kingston schools participated in chess, Rock & Water, Dance Academy or Arena Fitness (Year 8).
We brought in a professional chess coach from Dark House Chess who ran tournaments and taught the students countless strategic moves. Students who went to Arena Fitness on Bay Road experienced various styles of training with a personal trainer. Many students have now had the chance, in Year 7 or 8, to complete our Rock & Water program. We endeavour to have all Year 8 students experience this program by the end of 2022. Rock & Water teaches students self-confidence, self-respect and self-reflection. When students return after Easter they will go straight into their Autumn sports of Badminton, Soccer, Netball and AFL.
A special thanks to the PE Department and staff who have supported these events and teams to make it all possible. It is very much appreciated.
Nicole Elliott Erin Carter Matt McGannon
Sports Coordinator Assistant Sport Coordinator Assistant Sport Coordinator
Basketball Academy Round Robin
‘The Sandringham College Basketball Academy (SCBA) attended an inter-school Friendly Tournament at MSAC on March 31st. The event was the first opportunity for academy athletes to represent their school and the academy in competition and was an extremely exciting day for athletes and coaches alike. Three SCBA teams were formed and all experienced on-court success, managing to win eight out of the nine games across the board. All athletes represented the academy and their school with pride and competed on court with respect, determination and sportsmanship. It was a rewarding experience for the academy cohort as they put into practice in every tournament game the benefits of their training and are no doubt motivated to continue working throughout the year.
All school Basketball Academy Captains were appointed and acknowledged at the opening ceremony of the tournament, including Sandringham College’s very own Tye Harper. Congratulations to Tye who continues to be an outstanding leader and representative of the Basketball Academy. To conclude the day, a representative from each school’s academy was selected to compete in a 3-point shoot-out. Congratulations goes to Sandringham’s Isaac Dowling who placed 2nd in this contest after a very close final round. Isaac walked away with a Rebel Sport voucher and made sure everyone knew Sandringham College was a school to look out for!’