Year 9 

Djeembana Program 

The Djeembana program builds knowledge and understanding through real world problem solving and utilises and extends skills learnt in core subjects.

The Year 9 Djeembana program allows students to participate in a range of life skills activities, participating this term are students from 9G & 9H. Recent highlights include an excursion to the Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens and First Aid training.

Connecting to Country - Royal Botanic Gardens

Students spent a day exploring the Royal Botanic Gardens engaging in a Scavenger Hunt, a picnic and an Indigenous guided tour. 

Students were able to learn about the people of the Eastern Kulin Nation and to develop a greater understanding and respect for local Aboriginal culture. The 'Connecting to Country' activity, led by Indigenous cultural guides, enabled us to learn about indigenous plants, their use and significance to Indigenous Australians, and how Aboriginal people care for them and Country. The guides also shared stories from their lives and peoples, reflecting on the significance of Aboriginal culture in Australia.

Guided Indigenous Cultural tour
Djembana teachers
Guided Indigenous Cultural tour
Djembana teachers

First Aid

First Aid is an essential life skill which helps young people remain safe by understanding and assessing a range of risks, as well as how to help each other if they are involved in a medical emergency. Students participated in a range of First Aid activities including CPR, anaphylaxis training, and bandaging. 


Fiona Bechtold, Jeremy Kong and Laura Hulley 

Djeembana program team