7-9 Campus News

Ms Vivienne McElwee

Head of 7-9 Campus

Welcome Back! 

It has been fantastic to return to school and see our students again after such a long period of lockdown and separation from the physical school environment. A special power of schools is their ability to adapt to change and return to normality quickly, whatever that looks like.  I would like to join Ms Porter in congratulating our students – and their families – with their approach to the online learning and especially to our amazing teaching staff for their care and commitment during this time. We certainly celebrated the return of the buzz around the corridors over these last three weeks of this term that our students bring. It was also exciting to welcome Sandringham Primary School to our Bluff Rd oval where a separate community has been set up for their school. Our students have enjoyed seeing members of the primary school moving through the corridors as we share some facilities, such as our Drama and Music areas. There will also be opportunities in the future for some of our students to show leadership by mentoring some of the primary students in future activities and classes.

Maths Support post-Covid19

Commencing next term, extra Maths classes will be run after school on a Monday and Wednesday to support student success after our period of online learning. Mr Cameron and Mr Brown will be holding tutoring sessions for students who want support or further extension in numeracy. Although all students are welcome to drop in to these sessions, some students have been  particularly identified as someone who would benefit from the extra tuition. These families have been contacted directly by Mr. Cameron. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to run Homework Club until restrictions are further lifted.


Subject Selections for 2021

Since our return, Year 9 have been very focused on subject selections for year 10 in 2021 at Senior Campus. They have viewed Expo videos online, attended information sessions, had Morrisby counselling and many had individual appointments to help and support these selections. It is an exciting time for them and we would like to remind families that there will also be a subject confirmation  session in term three, where subjects and VCE/VCAL pathways are also discussed. 

Year 8  are also reminded that they need to choose their electives online for 2021 by July 13th. 


School Wide Positive Behaviours

Our College has introduced a new rewards program as part of the School Wide Positive Behaviours program.  Teachers across all year levels have been asked to nominate one student each week to receive a postcard, acknowledging their  modelling of the College Values, showing kindness to others, or consistently striving to achieve their best.  Students who have been nominated for the postcard award should feel very proud of their achievement. Keep your eyes on your mail box at home as this practice will continue to acknowledge students work now that we have returned to facetoface learning. In this modern world where simple things such as displaying good manners cant be easily digitized, it is wonderful to be in a school where such behaviours are so highly regarded and supported. 


Whilst Semester One brought many unprecedented challenges -  educationally, socially and emotionally – I applaud the way our students have responded to this and look forward to the lifting of more restrictions in semester two so that we can reintroduce even more of the wonderful experiences in education that Sandringham College has to offer.  


I hope you enjoy a fantastic break.


Vivienne McElwee

Campus Principal