Activities and Events


A special focus for our school at the start of the Term was the Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) Aboriginal & Torres Strait Education Conference Message Stick. The Message Stick began its journey last Term and will conclude in Tamworth for the commencement of the conference in October. 


Our students learnt about the meaning of the Message Stick and were given the opportunity to create their own. It was lovely to see them put so much thought and care into the activity.


On Friday 5th May we held a special Farewell Assembly. Two students from Kindergarten along with one student from each year group were selected to talk about their Message Stick. Together, Dominic Howe and Darcey Mercer-Knight read the prayer Aboriginal Blessing by Brooke Prentis. Following assembly everyone was invited to enjoy some Johnny Cakes and damper made and cooked especially for us. Thank you Mr Steven Booby for presenting the Acknowledgment to Country, those who prepared and cooked the Johnny Cakes as well as joined us for assembly.



There is no better way to spend a Friday morning than being surrounded by our wonderful students and their loved ones enjoying a delicious Mother's Day breakfast last Friday morning!! Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a great morning spending this time together as a school community. 


Thank you to everyone who donated eggs and bacon for breakfast as well as our fantastic staff for preparing and serving breakfast along with tea/coffee and for their commitment to providing this special event for our families.


We hope everyone had a happy and enjoyable Mother's Day last Sunday!! 





Thank you to everyone who attended assembly last Friday to receive their pumpkin gift. As a token of our appreciation, Mrs Foster spent weeks ensuring we had enough pumpkins (42 to be exact!) ready to give to those who supported our Garden Club fundraiser last term. 


Our school garden appreciates your generosity as all funds raised will go towards the purchase of new trees, herbs, seeds and organic fertilizer to help our school garden flourish.


We look forward to hearing what delicious meal your pumpkin turned into. 





THANK YOU to Narrabri business JA Smith Solutions for their kind donation of hand sanitizer to our school. As we enter the cold and flu season, the staff and students greatly appreciate your generosity! 





The new Year 6 sport shirts have arrived and they look great!! 

The students take great pride in wearing their special shirt on sports days.