Principal's Report

Term 2, Week 3


Dear St FX Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 3, St FX families. I hope all our mothers, grandmothers and mother-figures were all suitably spoiled yesterday!


Mother's Day Breakfast

There was a wonderful sense of community on show last Friday at our annual Mother's Day Breakfast. We were so grateful to have such a turnout of families to be able to celebrate the wonderful mothers, grandmothers and all other mother-figures in our lives.


I would like to extend my thanks to all the St FX staff who assisted in the preparation and smooth-running of the breakfast, as well as the S FX families who generously donated food to use for the BBQ.


Road Safety

May 5th to May 12th was National Road Safety Week and included ‘Walk Safely to School Day’ last Friday. This safety campaign produced an increased presence of police around schools to monitor road safety, as well as a general increase in the community’s awareness of pedestrian activity.


When our Mother’s Day Breakfast was being held, many of our families parked along the school-side of Bowen Street, which is actually a designated and signposted Bus Zone from 8:00-9:30am. 


Following the BBQ, I was approached by a local Highway Patrol Officer to let me know that he observed many cars parked in the Bus Zone to attend our celebration and that he could have issued numerous fines to our community that morning. Since it occurred during a week to raise awareness around Road Safety, he used this as an opportunity for us to communicate these concerns with our community so that next time we host a celebration like this, or even events such as Friday afternoon assemblies, the Bus Zone remains free of private vehicles. Thank you for your consideration with this moving forward.


Taking Care of our School

During the holidays, our junior boys and girls toilet blocks were renovated. The works included painting, upgrading the ceiling and fixing some broken or faulty toilets. In the upcoming holidays, there will be considerable renovations occurring to upgrade our canteen facilities, as well as some minor cosmetic works to finish off the bathrooms.


With an increasing school population, projects like these are vital for maintaining compliant workspaces, but also to maintain positive student wellbeing. Please continue to have the conversation with your child/ren about how they can look after and properly utilise these spaces so we can continue to have fresh-looking facilities for as long as possible. 


General Note

This term is a big one for a lot of our students, particularly with sporting trials and the Eisteddfod occurring this term. I extend my best wishes to all those students participating in extra-curricular activities this term and hope you taste success following the commitment to training and rehearsal you've made in the lead-up to your events.


Families, I hope you all have a lovely week. As the weather starts to cool and we come into the winter cold and flu season, I hope you all stay warm and healthy. 


Kind regards, 


Mal Frend