TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends! Welcome to Week 8 of Term 4!


The end of term is fast approaching. This week’s theme is Sports! It is without a doubt that TheirCare children love sports and as the weather this week has been amazing, we were able to play sports outside every afternoon. This week we played soccer, basketball, tennis, and gaga ball every afternoon. In the morning, we had a soccer match competition at the gym – the children loved it, and we were able to show their sportsmanship and teamwork during the game. This week we didn’t just play sports; we also did arts and crafts activities. We did paper plate sports crafts, we got to design our own jersey and lastly, we did a tennis racket craft made of cardboard – the children were so creative and had a lot of fun!

This Friday the 24th of November, TheirCare is celebrating the National Fairy Bread Day! The theme for this celebration is Sprinkle Kindness. By bringing joy and love into the homes of Aussie kids, our support of the Pyjama Foundation is core to the key message of Fairy Bread Day – Sprinkle Kindness! We will be setting up a fairy bread-making station. Come and join us to celebrate this amazing event. 

This week’s Pupil of the Week is Dana Matthews for always being the first one to offer help to other children and staff and for being respectful to everyone! Well done, Dana! You should be proud of yourself!! 😊😊


Also, this week will be the last week that Ashleigh is away. We missed her and we are excited to see her back to TheirCare next week. We are glad that everything went well during her surgery and that she has recovered quickly. 


I would like to let all families know that we will be closed from the 20th of December, and will re-open on the 8th of January. Also, a reminder that we are doing our medical, fire and lockdown drills next week. 


For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat please visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon, alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will help you as best we can 😊.


TheirCare Team

Angie, Connie, Jicinta and Lesley 

Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410