Teaching & Learning News

Marrung Student Representative News


A few weeks ago, the Marrung Team went to Footscray Community Arts where we did some weaving activities. We met Indigenous artist Isobel Morphy-Walsh and her mum Vic Morphy, who were both really good at weaving. 


We split up into three groups and did three different activities. The first activity was weaving onto a big wire board using bits of old t-shirt yarn. We also made little bracelets using t-shirt yarn or stringy bark. The third activity was making paper animals, then wrapping it with yarn and cotton wool to keep it together. We also did a walk through of some of the pieces of art at the centre. We were able to touch the pieces, but there were some limitations. After that, we had a break outside and saw some of the large artworks outside the centre. We learnt about Rakali, the water rat who lives under the Footscray bridge. Rakali’s are a native Australian animal who hates other rats and keeps them away from the area.


We had lots of fun during the excursion and hope that other classes will get to experience the amazing artwork at Footscray Community Arts. We will remember this excellent experience for a long time and hope to go again.


Thank you to Kerrie and Tess for organising the excursion, as well as Rebecca for supervising us. Thank you to the artists Isobel and Vic for teaching us, as well as Footscray Community Arts for having us.


Marrung Student Representative Team