Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

MargaretPACFor having a growth mindset to fully participate in our swimming program. Keep up the amazing attitude!
FrankiePAKFor being an engaged and kind classmate who always strives for personal best. Keep up this wonderful attitude!
JavonPBDFor showing enthusiasm and independence during the Prep Swimming Program. Fantastic job Javon!
PoppyPKTFor building her resilience and courage during the Prep swimming program. Well done, Poppy!
KirteshPLBFor being a responsible and polite member of the class, particularly during Prep swimming lessons. Keep up the wonderful work Kirtesh!
Ella1JIFor showing her diligence and determination to complete her information report on centipedes with great care and detail. Great job!
Raffa1JSFor demonstrating a conscientious attitude in upholding the School Agreements. Thank you for leading by example.
Vi1LEFor the effort and care she puts into all class tasks and for her engagement during the minibeast incursion.
Isaac1LLFor sharing his amazing knowledge of minibeasts during our incursion and even dressing up as an insect!
Ollie1TNFor sharing your maths strategies and minibeasts knowledge with us. We appreciate your contribution.
Theodore2CWFor applying his personal best and taking on feedback to make alterations to his writing.
Davey2DWFor the enthusiasm he shows during writing lessons. The poetry you have created is full of amazing ideas and excellent language. Well done!
Angus M2HRFor working independently and enthusiastically to write an entertaining list poem. You are a superstar Angus!
Amadea2TFFor her attention to detail in Mathematics when using her strategies to work out subtraction problems.
Jennifer3CGFor being a determined learner and working hard on her group project!
Zane3MKFor your positive attitude towards learning and for the effort that you apply to all class activities. Keep it up.
Rory3MPFor creating a detailed introduction to his narrative. Well done!
Sudi3TMFor donating valuable resources to the Art Room. Thank you for being so generous Sudi!
Lachie4AFFor always being a kind and caring member of 4AF. Thank you Lachie! (As voted by his peers)
Frankie4JDFor applying her personal best effort towards writing her picture storybook. Keep up the great effort!
Louis4MSFor his valuable contributions to class discussions and positive attitude towards his learning. Well done, Louis!
Krystal4TCFor her amazing work on her picture story book showing her humour as a writer and illustrator. Well done, Krystal!
Jasper5LWFor the leadership he has shown during Literature circles. He always ensures everyone is productive and on task. Well done, Jasper.
Isobel5MCFor being kind, focused and so willing to learn. Your resilience and efforts in Maths have not gone unnoticed! Well done, Issy!
Teddy5SMFor helping others with editing their iMovies. (As voted by your classmates)
Charli5THFor contributing to all class conversations.
Finn6LCFor your humorous and creative poetry in your anthology. Awesome effort Finn!
Chase6MCFor her consistently strong effort throughout our unit of learning on poetry. Job well done, Chase!
Harriet6MPFor writing a descriptive and engaging introduction for your narrative. Well done, Harriet!
Dana - 3MPTheirCareFor always being the first one to offer to help other children and staff and for being respectful to everyone.
Jude - 2HRAssistant Principal's AwardFor showing exemplary care for our school grounds. Thank you!