Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • Notices...
    • ‘Roasting’ is not acceptable at FWPS
    • Seeking Sunsmart kids!
  • Appreciations…
    • Prep swimming
    • Office team 
    • Parent library volunteers 
    • Salvation Army Christmas Appeal
  • News
    • Covid 19 transmission has increased
  • Coming up...tomorrow 
    • Library news - borrowing finishes this week
    • Grade 6 interschool sport 
    • Assembly 
  • Coming week
    • Prep Transition - final 
    • CERES excursion
    • Bizarre Hair and PJ Day on Thurs. 30th November
    • Emergency Evacuation Drill
  • Coming future weeks
    • Concert week
  • Repeated (and updated) messages


‘Roasting’ is not acceptable at FWPS - This week we have unfortunately been dealing with students engaging in ‘roasting’ one another during playtime. We have seen various friendship groups from both junior and senior grades agreeing to ‘roast’ each other by deliberately insulting a friend’s physical appearance, race, gender, ethnicity and so forth. The influence for this practice has come from social media. The negative impact on student wellbeing is of great concern to us and we ask that all families reinforce our agreement of ‘No Put Downs’, including the 'roasting' of others. Some students are not clear on boundaries and racist and mean comments will not be tolerated.


We thank you for helping us to ensure that FWPS remains a place where respect and inclusivity is always our priority.


Seeking Sunsmart kids! - A now regular reminder, that all students should have access to a broad brimmed (or legionnaires) hat at school every day.  While the installation of the Bilby shade sail has provided significant additional shade in an ideal location, this does not preclude the wearing of sunsmart hats. We encourage families to  place a non-aerosol SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen in your child’s bag for school use. Students are reminded each day to apply their sunscreen prior to going out to play. 


Well done Prep team! - Our prep swimmers have continued to manage all the additional effort that an intensive fortnight swim program requires.  Thanks to their capacity and the outstanding efforts of our staff and parents, along with the terrific MAC instructors, we are nearly at the conclusion of a most successful program.  The children will really have earned their final day of fun activities on Friday.


Thanks to our office team - We have been a little stretched due to our Business Manager Sandra on leave until the end of the year and Natalie having recently resigned for a new opportunity.  So a big appreciation to our reduced team, especially our 5 day a week staff members, Rachael and Zowi, who are managing the additional burden with diligence and good grace.  


Appreciations to our Volunteers - A BIG appreciation to parent volunteers, Ashley Higgs (Tohru - 1JS) and Clare Mitchell-Crow (Zoe - 4AF) who have been regularly volunteering in our library weekly to maintain our library resources this term since Jodi resigned. 


A big appreciation to all families who have supported the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal hosted by FWPS.  Please bring food items or gifts to the office up until Thursday, 14 December 2023 - listed below are some items that you might like to donate this Christmas.


Covid 19 transmission has increased - There is at present an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria.


School leaders have been advised to remind our staff and communities of 3 key steps to contribute to reducing transmission:

  • encourage all school community members to ensure COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date
  • ensure good ventilation through the use of the supplied air purifiers and opening doors and windows
  • encourage staff and students to stay home if they have any symptoms, and to get tested and isolate for at least 5 days and until they no longer have symptoms.

Coming up…tomorrow

Library News - In order to prepare for 2024, all borrowing from the school library will cease after Friday this week.  We ask all families (and staff) to return books and resources by Monday, December 4th (start of week 10) as we need to complete a stocktake and rollover.  


Summer Sports - Tomorrow our grade 6 sporting teams will be hosting St Bernadette’s PS in the final round. Family members are welcome to attend to provide support.


Assembly - We will plan for an outdoor assembly in hopefully perfect late Spring weather tomorrow from 2.40 pm.  Our assembly item tomorrow will be a shared presentation between 6MC and 6MP.

Coming up…next week

Prep Transition Session 3 - Following a couple of weeks break due to the Prep swimming program, next Tuesday, 28th November will be the final day of our 2024 Prep Transition program.  Again, groups of approximately 20 children enrolled in our 2024 program will be coming in during the day to experience a taste of our prep program with our current Prep teaching team.  The program has been successful due to the excellent organisation of the Prep team leader, Kim, the Prep teachers, along with the support of our office team, and Assistant Principal, Liz.  


The final opportunity this year for our newcomers will involve after school play visits on Tuesday and Thursday the following week.


Environment Team CERES Visit - Senior school (grade 5 and 6) ET representatives (and their class back ups) are looking forward to attending a visit to the very impressive CERES Environment Park in Brunswick next Tuesday, 28th November for an all day program.  A big appreciation to Caity and Michael for their organisation and enthusiasm.


Bizarre Hair and PJ Day - This is a grade 6 captains inspiration and will be held next week on Thursday, 30th November.  Please read the item below prepared by Class Captains, Scarlett and Lydia.


Next Thursday you’ll be able to come to school in your pajamas and you can also have bizarre hair!


If you don't want to wear pajamas, you can just come in casual clothing. And you don’t have to have bizarre hair either! 


Make sure that you check the weather forecast before choosing your bizarre outfit! And don’t forget to wear a SunSmart hat. 


Please volunteer to bring a gold coin donation to support our charity which is Backpacks 4 VIC kids  Backpacks 4 VIC Kids is a charity that supports children who are in need of supplies, including comfort, school supplies and other essentials for in need children. 


The captains will collect the coins directly from classrooms on Thursday morning.


Thanks for reading!

Scarlett and Lydia 

on behalf of the Grade 6 Captains’ Crew


Emergency Evacuation Drill - This will also occur next Thursday at a time to be confirmed.

Coming up...over the next few weeks

Concert Week … will be held during week 10 - that is the week after next!

Please check the specific Compass posts that were posted on Monday of last week for each mini concert grouping.


Students in all grade levels have been busy preparing for their opportunity to perform for an audience of family and friends.  We are presenting these as a series of ‘mini concerts’ in music (grades P, 2 to 6) and performing arts - dance (in grade 1), during the day on Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December in the Gecko (gym) building.

We have requested each family to confirm their attendance at this daytime concert by accepting or declining this invitation. You are not required to book individual tickets, as we anticipate there will be enough seating, however, an indication of attendance supports our planning for this event.


Please arrive a few minutes before the start of your child’s concert, but do not enter the Gecko (gym) until instructed by a member of staff. This is to allow a smooth changeover between concerts. Audience members are not required to sign in at the office before entering the Gecko building.


If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 9687 1535.





Repeated (and updated) messages…