Sustainability in Action

$2200 Grants received for our School Garden Projects
We are excited to announce that our school has received the following 2 grants for special garden projects at John Paul II. These are:
The Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant - $1200
Received to support our Fruits For Our Future project where we will be establishing a fruit orchard and other berries and vines at our school | The Keep Australia Beautiful - Sustainable Schools Grant Program - $1000
Received to support our school “Market Garden Project” where we will be creating a large new garden behind Emmaus to grow veggies, herbs and fruit for our school lunch program
Special thanks to Woolworths and Keep Australia Beautiful for generously awarding these grants to our school.
Over the past 2 weeks students from different classes have been involved in a number of garden projects.
- Grade 5/6 and their Prep buddies worked together to make name tags using recycled materials. They also potted up strawberry plants ready to plant into our gardens in Springtime.
- Grade 3s created mini greenhouses and put Broad bean seeds inside to observe whether they would grow. They have been recording their observations.
- Grade 2s recently planted garlic and strawberry plants. We now have over 60 strawberry plants!
- Grade 4s have been planting onion, broccoli, spinach and lettuce seedlings in our main garden beds.
- We have recently commenced a group cooking program where small groups of students have a cooking lesson each week. Mrs Bridget Henwood from our Little Dove Cafe has been coordinating this program. We have commenced with Grade 3 students making Foccacia Bread and delicious muffins.
Exciting New Garden Project - Fruits for our Future
Next term we are planting lots of fruit trees at John Paul II, so that we can harvest our own fruit at school in years to come. We are going to create a fruit tree orchard around the outside of the school basketball court with many of our students helping to dig holes, plant the trees, add manure and mulch to help them grow.
Our Grade 5/6 Sustainability Leaders will be helping to lead this project. Recently our leaders surveyed all the students and staff asking them, “Which 3 fruits would you like to see growing at our school?” Here are the top 10 fruits from our survey:
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Apples
- Grapes
- Lemons
- Cherries
- Kiwi Fruit
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Pears
In addition to planting fruit trees, we will be planting strawberries, other berries, and grapes.
Donations Needed
- Plastic pots (all sizes)
- Strawberry plants and runners
- Raspberry canes
- Other berry plants
Luch Brighella
Sustainability Teacher
Parent/Grandparent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for parents/grandparents who are interested in gardening to help with projects at our school. If you are interested, are available on Thursdays (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) please let our school office know or email me (
Donations of the following items are needed:
- Pots (all sizes) plastic, clay, ceramic
- Strawberry plants/runners
- Raspberry canes
- Bunnings blue/green plastic pools (no leaks or damage)
Please drop any donated items to the school office.