Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we reach the second to last Friday of Term 2, I would like to extend my warmest wishes for a wonderful weekend to each and every one of you. This term has been filled with numerous events and achievements, and it is heartening to see our community come together in such a meaningful way.
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul Mass
Today, we celebrated the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul with a wonderful Mass. This feast day honours two of the most significant apostles in Christianity. Saint Peter, known as the rock upon which Jesus built His Church, and Saint Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, both played pivotal roles in spreading Jesus' teachings. Their dedication, faith, and perseverance inspire us all. As we reflect on their contributions, let us strive to embody their virtues in our daily lives.
School Fees Reminder
As we approach the end of the term, I would like to remind parents about the importance of paying school fees.
These fees are crucial in supporting the various programs and resources that benefit our students. Families who have not yet made payments this year and have not completed a school fees form have received a notification via Compass earlier this week.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Year 6 Religion Test
Last Tuesday, 18th June, our Year 6 students completed their RE test. This is an assessment that Year 6 students across most dioceses in NSW complete. This assessment helps schools hone their RE curriculum and ensure that we cover all areas of the curriculum. It measures knowledge gained from across all school levels, not just knowledge gained in Year 6. Our students will get their results and certificates for this assessment next term.
NSWPSSA 12’s Rugby League
We’re thrilled to announce that Jag has been selected for the NSW 12’s Rugby League team. His outstanding performance with the Polding Team earned them a silver medal. Jag was one of five students picked to represent NSW next week from the Polding team.
Join us in congratulating Jag on this incredible accomplishment!
High Jump
Yesterday, Thursday, 27th June, we held our high jump event for the Athletics Carnival. It was great to see so many students participating and families attending to watch.
NAIDOC Week Celebration
This is a reminder that our NAIDOC Week Celebration will be held next Friday, 5 July, from 9:15 am to 10 am.
Students are invited to dress in Indigenous patterns or NAIDOC colours. The day will begin with a ceremony and blessing of our new indigenous garden and yarning circle, followed by a Liturgy and Morning Tea, with cake, tea and coffee provided. All families are welcome to attend.
The students will then participate in various activities throughout the day, run by our Aboriginal Education Assistants Darcy Lang and Caitlin Smith and special visitors.
Toni Palmer Memorial Shield
On Thursday, July 4th, nominated students in Stages 2 and 3 will travel to Inverell to participate in the ADPSC Toni Palmer Memorial Shield. We wish them all the best!
Athletics Carnival next term & volunteers needed
This is a reminder that our Athletics Carnival will be held in the first week of next term, on Thursday, 25th July.
As always, an event like this cannot be run successfully without the assistance of helpers. If you are able to volunteer to help out on the day with the canteen or to measure and record with Discus, Long Jump or Shot Put (which would be greatly appreciated!), please go to
An invite will be sent to you via Compass closer to the date to confirm.
Please see News & Notices for further information.
This is a reminder that Term 2 ends next Friday, July 5th. All students will return to school on Tuesday, June 23rd, as our staff will attend a Professional Development Day on Monday, June 22nd.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
Alistair Stewart