Student Voice

An exciting meeting this week. The SRC members made arrangements for the Naranga ANZAC Day service which will be held on Wednesday 24th April. Members chose roles they thought best suited them and we even had time to do a little run through. 


Wednesday 24th will be a big day for the SRC with Mr Bacon making arrangements for the SRC Badge Presentation. This will be done as part of the whole school 9am assembly. Fingers and toes crossed for good weather! 


Next meeting, they will begin the process of gathering the ideas from their peers with the aim of making a plan to better the school for all. 



What is an Student Representative Council?

A Student Representative Council (SRC) is a group of students elected by their peers to represent all students within the school. 


What are the responsibilities of an SRC member?

SRC's work democratically to represent the student body in school decision-making and organise ways for students to participate in and enjoy school life. Each member is a leading example of the school values of being a SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE LEARNER. Students will need to commit to attending a weekly meeting facilitated by staff. Each class will dedicate time in their week for their SRC to listen to their peers and birng the voice of the students to school leadership.