The GREEN Page

Sustainability - Community - Action


Our kitchen garden is full of life at the moment. Seedlings planted last term by students are thriving. Broccoli, cabbage and silverbeet are doing well. Last term we covered the beds to protect the seedlings from the white butterflies. Manderins skins are starting to turn yellow then orange. Students are eager to try the fruit but reminded to wait until they are ready. 

In the garden, food grows without packaging or with its own packaging. When plants are at their end cycle they can be composted right back into the garden to grow more food and create healthy soil. Growing your own food is the most zero waste food you can get compared to food purchased at the suppermarket or green grocery. It's delicious and healthy. Thank you to Sustainability club students who meet every Tuesday, first half of lunch to work in the garden and also work on recycling practises at our school.                                       

Beetroot seeds that have sprouted.
Beetroot seeds that have sprouted.