Upper Juniors

This week 2 of our Upper Junior classes received 12 chicken eggs, an incubator, some food and a nice warm space for the chickens to occupy when they hatch. 


The chickens have been a great learning experience in more ways than one for our students, as we study the life cycles, the ways we care for eggs, the ways we care for baby chicks, the food and water they require and they funny behaviours we observe. 


Between the 2 classes, we have ended up with 24 baby chickens loving heir experience and cuddles at Naranga Special School, sadly though, they will be collected by the company who provided them on Friday 3rd of May


 Families are more than welcome to enquire about adopting these little critters and taking them home.   See information below



Henny Penny Hatching

We have some very cute and fluffy visitors in the Upper Junior section of the school! If your family is interested in adopting two or more chicks, please read the information below and come into the school office to add your name to the ‘Adopting Chicks form’ by Wednesday 1st May 2024. 


If you are considering adopting chicks, please first read the information sheet, ‘Adopting Chicks’, on the Henny Penny Hatching website, www.hennypennyhatching.com.au to ensure that you will be able to take care of them. Remember that cute, fluffy little chicks do grow into adult chickens and that once you have committed to taking them home you will have to care for and provide for them right through to the end of their adult lives. Our hens are generally excellent layers, but remember that these chicks have not been sexed and that approximately 50% of them will be hens and 50% will be roosters. There is no guarantee that you will receive hens. If you are concerned about what to do if you end up with a rooster you should not take any chicks, as once you have taken them they cannot be returned


From the Henny Penny Hatching website-

‘Interested parties to write their adoption requests on the Adopting Chicks form. Please direct them to read Ethical Issues and Adopting Chicks on Henny Penny Hatching website before committing themselves to adopting chicks. Please make sure that prospective adoptees are aware of these key points: Ø Although chicks are layer strain, 50% will be hens and 50% will be roosters. Once chicks have been taken, they cannot be returned. Ø We are unable to tell if chicks are male or female. Ø Prospective owners are responsible for checking council regulations regarding keeping a backyard flock (councils vary) and for re-homing roosters. Ø chicks must go to homes in pairs or more as they are flock birds. This applies to those who already own chickens as well as first time owners. Ø If your franchisee sells Take Home Packs, it is recommended that those new to keeping backyard chicken purchase on of these packs. Ø Chicks are available from day 11 of the program (the day before equipment pick up). NOTE: Henny Penny Hatching is not able to take chicks back once they leave the venue at the end of the program. More information regarding Adopting Chicks is available on our website, www.hennypennyhatching.com.au.’


Thank you, 

Susana Leiva and Upper Junior teachers