Principal's Report

Term 4, Week 7

Week 7, Term 4


Dear St FX families, 


Welcome to Week 7! I cannot believe this is the second-last edition for the 2024 school year - where has the time gone! I won’t dare mention how many days there are until Christmas…


Reminder: Allergies & lunchbox contents

Following last newsletter’s message about the increase in nut products being brought to school, we observed students bringing peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Please look for other alternatives for meal times, as peanut butter (and other nut products like Nutella) can place some of our St FX students at risk of having an anaphylactic reaction. If you would like to speak with me more about this, please contact the office to make a time to meet. 


St FX P&F Colour Run

This Friday, the 29th November, our wonderful P&F committee will be hosting the 2024 St FX Colour Run. As you may have seen in previous years, the Colour Run is a major fundraising event. Due to the amount of money raised last year, and with taking into account the current cost of living expenses, this year’s Colour Run is simply an event to foster the St FX community spirit. The P&F will look to use the Colour Runs as a fundraising opportunity every second year. There will be no lunch orders available from the canteen on Friday, however there will be a sausage sizzle for families to take advantage of, with both cash and EFTPOS facilities available. 


Annual Band Performance

This coming Sunday, 1st December, our St FX Band will be performing their Annual Band Recital. This will commence at 10am under the St FX COLA and will be a wonderful opportunity for our 2024 band members to cap off the year, whilst farewelling those members who will be leaving St FX at the end of 2024. All are welcome! 


Family Mass - Harvest Mass

Just a reminder that our November Family Mass was moved from the weekend just been, to 6pm on Saturday, December 7th. This is because Fr Paul would like to celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass with a particular focus on the recent harvest season, in combination with our monthly Family Mass. It would be wonderful if you were able to join us for the Thanksgiving Mass on Saturday 7th December at 6pm!




2025 Staffing

As you may have seen, we have recently advertised for 2025. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for full-time, part-time and casual teachers to add to our team next year. Additionally, we are also advertising for an Assistant Principal (AP) for Term 1 as our current AP, Michelle O’Connor, is taking Long Service Leave. 2025 staffing news will be shared with St FX families before the end of the 2024 school year. 


2024 Presentation Day

Our 2024 Presentation Day will be held at the Crossing Theatre on Wednesday Week 10 (December 18th). It will commence at 10am and we anticipate that it will conclude around midday.


I hope you all have a lovely fortnight ahead, especially as we head towards the festive season. As we head into the new liturgical year with the start of Advent this weekend, we must remind ourselves to find time to enjoy this season of preparation for Christmas and try not to get too caught up in the busy-ness of the year coming to a close.


Kind regards, 


Mal Frend