Need to Know

I hope this newsletter finds you well. I apologize for the brevity and lateness of this edition; unfortunately, I have been on bereavement leave, which has impacted our usual schedule. I want to express my gratitude to everyone for their understanding during this time.
Cool at School
Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who generously donated prizes to our Cool for School fundraiser. Your contributions are invaluable and greatly appreciated. We are gearing up for a truly Monster Raffle next term! In the next edition, we will publish a full list of donors to recognize your kindness. We are still open for donations, and any further support would be warmly welcomed. Please contact Angela Campbell ( or myself (
Staff Changes and Shortages
As the cold and flu season really kicks in it is becoming more and more challenging to manage staff absences. Today alone we have 24 teaching staff absent and 7 education support staff. The nationwide teacher shortage means there just aren't the casual relief teachers available to cover all classes. Regrettably, this means that on some occasions senior classes that occur Periods 1 or 5 may need to be cancelled. You will be notified of this. On nearly all occasions students will have work they can undertake independently.
As Semester 2 commences there have been a number of changes to teacher allotments to cater for staff movement and long term absences. Again, we well know that it is ideal for students to have consistency in regards to their teachers and we avoid making changes unless it is absolutely necessary. We have been fortunate to secure almost all the new staff we require, and I will introduce them in the first newsletter next term.
At the end of this term Olivia Carr leaves us to pick up her promotion position at another secondary college, Theresa Wong is exploring a career outside of teaching, and Emily Churcher has picked up a more senior position at an independent school. I thank them all for their contribution to our college.
These are the anticipated changes for Semester 2, which commences next Monday:
10ART.A: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
10MAP.A: Alborough, Matthew instead of De Santis, Catherine
10MAT.F: Vacancy, Maths instead of Alborough, Matthew
10PPE.A: Fecondo, Caitlin instead of Birch, Christian
10SAA.C: Gallage, Ashwini instead of Turkozu, Vesna
10STR.M: Clare, Rachel instead of Crichton, Matthew
11ART.A: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
11CON.H: Necovski, Belinda instead of Cameron, Stuart
11HPH.A: Callan, Sean instead of Wong, Teresa
11MSP.A: Watson, Carolyn instead of De Santis, Catherine
11PPE.C: Birch, Christian instead of Milton, Erin
11SBI.A: Wickramasuriya, Chamilka instead of Turkozu, Vesna
11TSE.A: Mitchell, Ian instead of Kneeshaw, Stewart
12CON.B: Birch, Christian instead of Norwood, Tom
12CON.K: Norwood, Tom instead of Wickramasuriya, Chamilka
12STR.B: Hindley, Leanne instead of Gallage, Ashwini
12VSR.A: Milton, Erin instead of Ericson, Michael
7ART.B: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
7ART.F: Crichton, Matthew instead of Carr, Olivia
7ART.J: Kyme, Matt instead of Taxis, Chantelle
7ART.K: Kyme, Matt instead of Carr, Olivia
7MAT.C: Kennedy, Michelle instead of Senavirathne, Daisy
7MAT.H: Kapoulitsas, Petros instead of Senavirathne, Daisy
7MAT.K: Vacancy, Maths instead of Kennedy, Michelle
8ART.C: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
8ART.H: Kyme, Matt instead of Carr, Olivia
8ART.L: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
8HUM.A: Callan, Sean instead of Fecondo, Caitlin
8PPE.C: Herrick, Rylan instead of Ericson, Michael
8PPE.L: Ericson, Michael instead of Herrick, Rylan
8SCI.B: Gallage, Ashwini instead of Turkozu, Vesna
9APH.C: Clare, Rachel instead of Carr, Olivia
9HUM.C: Callan, Sean instead of El-Sayad, Nancy
9HUM.D: Cusack, Josh instead of Wong, Teresa
9HUM.G: Cusack, Josh instead of Wong, Teresa
9MAT.E: Vacancy, Maths instead of De Santis, Catherine
9MAT.G: Vacancy, Maths instead of Watson, Carolyn
9MAT.J: Vacancy, Maths instead of De Santis, Catherine
9SCI.E: Senavirathne, Daisy instead of Turkozu, Vesna
9SCI.K: Senavirathne, Daisy instead of Wickramasuriya, Chamilka
9TWD.A: Kneeshaw, Stewart instead of Mitchell, Ian
Medical Management Plans
In other news, I am pleased to announce that by the end of this term, all our staff will have undergone training in administering an anaphylaxis auto-injector device. This training reflects our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. I urge parents to ensure that any updated anaphylaxis, epilepsy, or asthma management plans are lodged with our school nurse, Claire Waites, at Additionally, please do not hesitate to inform us of any other medical conditions your child may have. We can provide a tailored medical management plan to ensure they receive the best possible care while at school.
Mobile phone policy change
I would like to bring to your attention an update to our mobile phone policy. Students who breach the mobile phone rule on more than two occasions will be required to hand in their phone to the mini school every morning and collect it in the afternoon for five consecutive days. This measure aims to reinforce our commitment to maintaining a focused and productive learning environment.
GAT and Pupil Free Day
For students undertaking Unit 3 and 4 VCE subjects, please note that the General Achievement Test (GAT) will take place on June 18th. Details regarding this have been sent out via Senior School. For all other students, it will be a pupil-free day unless they have been specifically asked to attend for Redemption to complete outstanding work. Please be aware that the canteen will not operate on this day.
Uniform information - please read with your child
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we approach winter and the colder weather period we would like to remind all families of our Uniform Policy (attached) and expectations.
We are seeing a large increase in students presenting out of uniform for various reasons (e.g. hoodies, tech fleece Nike pants, incorrect shoes such as runners when in academic uniform, canvas shoes, etc.), and would greatly appreciate parent/carer support in ensuring their child is attending in the correct uniform every day.
Uniform is an important aspect of community connectedness and identity, and it is important that we work in partnership – school, parents, students – to ensure all students are presenting at school in the correct uniform and wearing it with pride. Uniform is also a protective strategy as our staff are able to quickly identify any intruders in the school grounds.
There are a number of approved uniform items students can use to layer and keep warm through the colder weather (uniform images can be viewed here). Feedback from a number of parents is that the “Top with Qtr Zip” option provides a suitable warm underlayer (under the softshell jacket).Hoodies, jumpers, non-St Helena branded track pants, puffer jackets, etc. are not approved uniform items, and students who are in breach of our uniform policy (i.e. out of uniform without a signed note with an acceptable reason submitted to the Mini School) will be issued with escalating consequences as detailed below:
Please note: students who are significantly out of uniform even with a uniform pass – e.g. wearing a hoodie, not wearing any prescribed uniform items, for safety reasons will be excluded from the yard during recess and lunch. Hoodies must be removed and will be confiscated.
If you need to purchase any new or additional uniform items, please visit our website here.
Bob Stewart is our uniform provider, and is open from 9:00am – 5:00pm on weekdays and 9:00am – 1:00pm on Saturdays. You can contact Bob Stewart directly on (03) 9036 7385 or email on
We are always open to taking on board community feedback regarding our uniform and uniform policy. As a result of feedback regarding comfort and fit of our activewear trackpants, Bob Stewart have made a range of adjustments to this item in line with parent and College feedback. Feedback from parents and students who have purchased the new style of trackpants has been overwhelmingly positive in regards to fit, comfort and warmth. Please be aware this item is currently on backorder with stock expected to arrive in store within the next week.Thanks for your ongoing support of the College; if you have any questions or concerns regarding uniform, or are struggling to get your child/ren to get into their uniform each morning, don't hesitate to get in touch with the your child's mini school team.
Attachments |
Once again, I apologize for the brevity of this newsletter and thank you for your understanding. Should you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via
Live Parent Q&A Session
Wednesday 19th June 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)
Now’s the chance for your parents to get their questions answered by a study skills expert!
Next week, we’ll be dedicating a full hour to a session led purely by questions from parents. These can be submitted in advance, or on the night.
We had over 2000 parents attend our last Q&A session where we answered questions on topics such as:
- Communication around workload and studying
- Helping to develop confidence in the classroom
- Support with meeting deadlines
- Setting goals for academic growth
These parents told us that the webinar left them feeling more confident in supporting their child’s studying and loved the practical, easy-to-implement advice provided:
‘Thank you for tonight's presentation, very reassuring to be able to listen and know these are 'normal' issues and there are explanations for them and help available.’
‘A lot of new learning and insights for me to assist my son moving forward.’