Inclusivity and Diversity

Lachlan Stonehouse

IDAHOBIT Day is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. At Swinburne Senior Secondary College we participated on Friday the 17 May. Everyone in the school is involved and encouraged to wear colors to show their support.  Inclusion and diversity are critical to the Swinburne culture, allowing everyone to be themselves and participate fully in school and social activities. Teachers and students have fun and help out with a sausage sizzle, cupcakes, music and socialising.


Each IDAHOBIT Day we have a flag raising ceremony. The speech by Sienna Martino explains how important this is: 


Welcome Swinburne, as we raise the pride flag for IDAHOBIT Day today. The LGBT+ community has come so far in such a relatively short period of time, and it's important to celebrate the substantial progress which has been made. To think that this time a decade ago that the Same Sex Marriage Bill hadn't yet been passed is slightly scary and mind-blowing. However, as coordinator of Rainbow Club this year, it would be my fault if I did not reflect on just how far we have to go. Growing up queer can actually be an incredibly isolating experience, as you are surrounded by people whose experiences differ significantly from yours, and endure a world which is seemingly set in structure and does not consider your perspective, your stories or your experiences. Coming to terms with my identity was scary at times, but in the end, what made me step in to my identity was meeting people who shared my experiences. That’s why IDAHBOBIT Day and LGBT+ recognition is so important. Because whilst the queer experience can sometimes be a lonely one, IDAHOBIT Day promotes inclusion and almost creates a bit of a paradox through creating a sense of belonging through not belonging. So happy IDAHOBIT Day everyone! To my queer and trans friends, I hear you, I see you, and I am so immensely proud of you. To those who do not identity with the Rainbow flag, please never be afraid to speak up.