The Arts

Kat Sip

The Arts Faculty has had a bustling and exciting beginning to the year. Students in Year 11 Art Making and Exhibiting, as well as Art Creative Practice, are diving into various materials and techniques to create meaningful and beautiful artworks. This includes exploring a variety of printmaking techniques, ceramics, textiles, and photography. The talent and enthusiasm among this cohort are already shining through.


Meanwhile, our Year 12 students have been diligently completing their final artworks for Unit 3. They are writing briefs, assembling storyboards, and demonstrating a remarkable passion for their subjects. Their unique perspectives in creating art and film are truly inspiring. The Year 12’s are already making Swinburne proud with their dedication to the Arts.


In addition to classroom activities, we have been on several enriching excursions to art galleries. Visits to the NGV, ACCA, Top Screens, and the Joy exhibition at the Immigration Museum provided students with the invaluable experience of seeing art in real life. These outings are not only educational but also offer a chance for students to socialise and enjoy time with their peers outside the school environment.


The Arts Faculty looks forward to a year filled with creativity, learning, and inspiration.