Grade 2

Explore the Learning in Grade 2

It's been a wonderful start to term 2 with students settling back in routines and showing great enthusiasm towards their learning.



During Reading this term, students will continue to learn different strategies that they can use to assist them with their independent reading and comprehension. In the second half of the term, we will be turning our attention to Non-Fiction texts, exploring gathering up facts, identifying the main idea and supporting details, and using these skills to link in with their writing of informative texts.  



In writing this term, grade twos will continue to have a weekly grammar focus that will weave it's way into our other reading and writing lessons. They will continue to develop their ideas and word choice through a range of creative responses in their Writer's Notebook and work towards publishing a short story and an information report that relates to our inquiry topic 'Our Town- The History of Barwon Heads'. 



In Numeracy this Term, the Grade 2 students are cycling through a range of topics from Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability and Number & Algebra. They will be covering how to measure the mass and capacity of everyday objects as well as learning how to read a clock and calendar. Through a range of warm up games and number talks, the students will focus on skip counting, place value and placing numbers up to 100 on a number line. Later in the term, the students will explore collecting data from surveys and presenting their information in simple graphs and tables. Finally, they will continue to build fluency in the four processes, but especially addition and subtraction.



In Inquiry this term we are learning about the 'History of Barwon Heads'. Students learn about the important buildings in Barwon Heads and why they are so significant to our town. They visit The Lobster Pot and explore various aspects of our past, including the previous use of The Lobster Pot building itself. They will also look at other historic landmarks such as the bridge, town hall and the golf club.