Grade 1

Explore the Learning in Grade 1


In term 2 Grade 1 will be focussing on comprehension of fiction texts.  We will be learning about making connections to our reading, text-to-text connections, fluency, expression, asking questions before, during and after we read and inferring.  It is important that our Grade 1 children continue to read to an adult each night, and having a discussion about the reading will support their comprehension.



In term 2 our focus in writing will be on writing imaginative narritives in which both the characters and settings are fictional.  Writing will continue to be supported with explicit lessons on sentence structure and grammar.




This term in Numeracy, we are continuing to consolidate our knowledge of numbers to 100 and beyond. The students are investigating different strategies for addition and subtraction, using mathematical tools and manipulatives. They are also exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects, and money.





During our Inquiry sessions this term we are exploring community, what our town looks like and makes it unique. We will be investigating important features of our local environment, including the which parts have Aboriginal significance.