Art News

Visual Art Teachers: Susie Belcher & Jessica Russell-Davies

Term 2 in Art

What’s happening in the ARTROOM this term!!!!! 


Preps - The students in Prep will be looking at the art work of Leonardo da Vinci and painting their own version of the Mona Lisa. The students will study different portrait styles and continue exploring water colour paints.  


Grade One and Two - The students will be studying the art work of Herni Matisse and learning about his bold use of colour and pattern. Using this as inspiration they will create a still life Gold Fish Bowl art piece. 


Grade Three and Four - The students will be continuing their ‘Wild Minions’ for Term 2. We have constructed and papier mache! They are now ready for painting. Once this project is complete we will be creating pom pom creatures.  


Grade Five and Six - The students are beginning stain glass windows (sadly not the real thing). We are using laminated sheets and pens. Some students have already started designing and they are looking amazing. Students are also creating a pencil drawing of a ‘special person’. 



I would like to say a BIG THANK-YOU for all donations – big and small!!! The students and I are so very appreciative of your support. Especially to Val Presutto’s family 2TF for the canvases they found on a Buy, Swap, Sell page. The Grade 5 and 6 students used them for their Pet Portraits last term – see below for the results!!! Amazing – thank you Presutto family!!! 


Thank you.


Susie and Jess  

Art Teachers 


Artwork from the following Grade 5 and 6 students: 

Frankie Clonan, Lourdes Giraldo Chisholm, Nathan Chen, Skye Coonerty, Archer Lloyd, Hugo Alkan, Jack Thatcher, Tahlia Sing, Emma Thistlethwaite, Clem Murray & Harvey Coone